Please pray for all the Bethlehem School staff, students and volunteers for all the challenges of the 2024-2025 school year.
School Website is now MyBethlehemSchool
The Bethlehem teachers celebrated Saint Nicholas Day this. Teachers put socks outside their classroom and “Saint Nicholas” brought them all a gift. Nice teachers get candy and naughty teachers get sticks. Well they all must have been nice teachers this year because they all came to school on Friday to find their socks filled with candy.
On Thursday, December 12, our school band will be holding its Christmas Band Concert. The whole Bethlehem community is invited to hear songs of the season as our students in grades 4 trough 8 will share their musical gifts.
Friday, December 13, is our next Parent Prayer Group meeting. Please pray that those that attend are blessed and that the Spirit would work through the prayers of the saints.
On Friday, December 20, is our Christmas chapel starting at 11 am. We will be celebrating the birth of the Christ-child. Everyone is invited to celebrate with us.
Bethlehem Lutheran School is registered in the Kroger Community Reward Program. A portion of every qualified purchase will be donated by Kroger to the school. Between February and April 2024 the school received as quarterly donation of $314.16 representing 83 households. To designate you rewards, you can register your KrogerPlus card online at in their community rewards link listed under Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School, Fairborn, Ohio, using the number TC950.
We continue with our new initiative called the Mustard Seed Award. Mrs. Landon came up with a list of Christian character word. At school chapel each week, Pastor Witte reiterates the Christian character word of the month. At the end of each month teachers will select on of their class students who best exemplifies that characteristic. These students will be recognized with a certificate and the end of the chapel service.
We are starting a parent prayer group. For this we have scheduled one morning a month when any Bethlehem parent may come and pray for the students and staff of Bethlehem Lutherans School and whatever other needs they may have. Our first meeting is this Monday morning, September 9. At this time there are eight parents willing to participate – a very encouraging start. Of course, one does not have to come at a specific time to pray for the school, its staff and its students. Prayers of the saints are appreciated any time they are lifted up.
The school has begun the process for gaining Accreditation from the National Lutheran Schools Association. This should be completed by June 2025. This accreditation will help the school and staff improve the quality of a scriptural-based Lutheran education with the resources available.
My son, do not forget what I teach you, and keep my instructions in mind, because they will give you a long, good life and you will be happy.
Proverbs 3:1-2 (An American Translation – AAT)