Welcome to Bethlehem

“Woe to the shepherds, who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture:” declares the LORD. Therefore thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, concerning the shepherds who care for My people: “You have scattered My flock and driven them away, and you have not attended the. Behold, I will attend to you for your evil deeds, declares the LORD.”


Jeremiah 23:1-2 (English Standard Version – ESV)


Rev. Keith F. Witte, Pastor

“Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church & School is community of sinners trusting in the forgiveness given by the crucified and risen Christ, offering peace, joy, stability, and purpose to a despairing and chaotic wo9rld by sharing this gospel through our words and deeds.”

LUTHERAN BIBLE TRANSLATORS: Pray for Chris Pluger and his family in Ethiopia due to ongoing civil unrest in that country has endangered all foreign residents. You can see his presentation on this HERE.

Mercy, Witness, Life Together
  • Sunday, July 21, 2024

    Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

    Commemoration of  Ezekiel

    STAR Newsletter article deadline

     8:00 am - Divine Service
     9:30 am - Sunday School for all ages
    10:45 am - Divine Service
    Daily Readings: I Samuel 4:1-22; Acts 16:23-17:34
  • Monday, Julu 22, 2024

    Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene

    Daily Readings: I Samuel 5:1-16; Acts 18:1-28
  • Tuesday, July 23, 2024
    Daily Readings: I Samuel 6:19-7:17; Acts 19:1-21:14
  • Wednesday, July 24, 2024
    11:00 am - Busy Bees 
     6:30 pm - Adult Catechism class
    Daily Readings: I Samuel 8:1-22; Acts 21:15-36





  • Thursday, July 25, 2024
    Daily Readings: I Samuel 9:1-27; Acts 21:37-22:16
  • Friday, July 26, 2024
    Daily Readings: I Samuel 10:1-27; Acts 22:17-29
  • Saturday, July 27, 2024
    Daily Readings: I Samuel 12:1-25; Acts 22:30-23:11
  • Sunday, July 28, 2024

    Tenth Sunday After Pentecost

    Commemoration of Johann Sebastian Bach, Kantor

     8:00 am - Divine Service
     9:30 am - Sunday School for all ages
    10:45 am - Divine Service