Welcome Back Students and Staff!
School Website is now MyBethlehemSchool
We are now two weeks into the school year and things are going great! Students are growing in grace and knowledge. Teachers are getting into the groove of delivering instructions and everyone is getting know each other. We praise God that we have 135 students in preschool through 8th Grade. This is a record of our school.
Bethlehem Lutheran School is registered in the Kroger Community Reward Program. A portion of every qualified purchase will be donated by Kroger to the school. Between February and April 2024 the school received as quarterly donation of $314.16 representing 83 households. To designate you rewards, you can register your KrogerPlus card online at kroger.com in their community rewards link listed under Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School, Fairborn, Ohio, using the number TC950.
This Friday, September 13, is School Picture Day. For this occasion students are allowed to be out of dress code.
We are starting a parent prayer group. For this we have scheduled one morning a month when any Bethlehem parent may come and pray for the students and staff of Bethlehem Lutherans School and whatever other needs they may have. Our first meeting is this Monday morning, September 9. At this time there are eight parents willing to participate – a very encouraging start. Of course, one does not have to come at a specific time to pray for the school, its staff and its students. Prayers of the saints are appreciated any time they are lifted up.
Part of our mission statement is to partner with parents. A big part of this the PTO. We had our first PTO meeting this past week. There was a good group of parents bring new ideas and willing to serve. Our biggest fundraiser is the Fall Festival; for this the PTO is accepting donations of items or services for the festival.
Please pray for all the Bethlehem School staff, students and volunteers for all the challenges of the new school year.
The school has begun the process for gaining Accreditation from the National Lutheran Schools Association. This should be completed by June 2025.
Thank the Lord, we have a complete faculty and the 135 students registered for the beginning of the 2024-2025 School Year.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever. Psalm 111:10 (ESV)